JSW CRM 5 Documentation

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Folder Categories


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marker Categories 413

About categories in JSW CRM.

You can create as much categories as you need for your project.

A category can have a unlimited sub-categories if needed

Access rights categories

The access rights settings are extended from the core Joomla possibilities.

Standard, mostly set to public in the configuration of your Joomla! installation, is the standard setting from the configuration.


In the groups setting you can set the minimum usergroup level which can access the category and the usergroups above that level.


This setting gives you the ability to set the one usergoup or more groups that can access the category and it's items.


If you add a item to a category, the item gets the same access rights as the category it belongs to.


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Test examples

To test one of the examples log-in with:
Test account as frontend editor:
username: testuser
Password: testuser2022

Test account as Visitor/guestuser:
username: guestuser
Password: guestuser2022

Log-in as one of the example users here