JSW CRM 5 Documentation

See how it works..

Folder Items Webpages

All the stuff you need for creating webpages in Joomla! with image, downloadfiles, media, contactinfo, social share, maps with location and links.

It works on the frontend and via the administrator..

Beside this you can give items Schema.org SEO stuff that makes your page index better in searchengines.

At he moment JSW CRM has the following seo structured data possibilities available for you to create nice pages:

  • Person
  • ImageObject
  • LocalBusiness
  • Article
  • BlogPost
  • Course
  • Event
  • Movie
  • NewsArticle
  • Product
  • Recipe
  • Video
  • MediaObject
  • CreativeWork
  • Review

Wich type of items you are going to make you can tell the Category what kind of content it is.
All new items made in a category get standard the SEO settings of the catgory.
On item level you can override this to another seo type of structured data.

On some types of seo the layout for creating a new item shows the important fields for that type of seo automaticcaly.
This is pretty handy when you create for example a new event page or a new recipe for your website.



video JSW CRM 5 how to add item webpage Popular

marker By In Items Webpages 278 views

Media: JSW CRM 5 how to add a new item - webpage
Credits: JS Webdesign

document Supported file extensions in JSW CRM 5 Popular

marker By In Items Webpages 376 views

JSW CRM gets a large safe standard set of file extensions that it supports.

In the settings you can ad or remove the supported extensions your installation of JSW CRM 5 accepts & can handle.

audio MP3 files Popular

marker By In Items Webpages 390 views

Adding a MP3 sound file.

Upload the MP3 file.

Fill in a good title and, if you want, a description.

JSW CRM shows the file with a nice player.

Image Video's Popular

marker By In Items Webpages 377 views

Image: Manage music video's with JSW CRM 4
Credits: JS Webdesign

JSW CRM can handle all sorts of video's

  • Video's streamed from Youtube
  • Video's streamed from Vimeo
  • Video's uploaded & streamed from your  own server

Adding a video to JSW CRM from Youtube or Vimeo

You can add a Youtube or Vimeo video item by just going to the page where the youtube or vimeo video is situated.

Copy the url address in the address bar of your browser and copy the url

Select below the title add url and paste the url here

JSW CRM creates a player automatically.

See a example here


Image Locations Popular

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Store a location stand-alone or use the location system for connecting items in JSW CRM 5 to a location.

The new version of JSW CRM 5 you can choose between Google maps or Openstreetmap.

You can search a location with the build in address database lookups.

Get a key to show the maps

The easiest way to get a key for showing maps on your website is to use openstreetmap in JSW CRM 5.

  • Go to mapbox.com and make a key there
  • Copy the key & set it as key in the settings screen of JSW CRM 5

Getting a key for google maps is a lot more difficult..

  • Optain a key for Google maps at Google.
  • Copy the key & set it as key in the settings screen

Media: Make a new location in JSW CRM
Credits: JS Webdesign

London UK

default Firstname Contacts Popular

marker By In Items Webpages 240 views

You can manage contacts  & relations with JSW CRM.

The following data can be stored of a Contactitem

  • Salutation, Firstname, lastname
  • Function, Jobtitle
  • Image of the contact or logo
  • Phone number
  • Mobile number
  • Whatsapp
  • Address, Location
  • Social media data
  • Website address

Only the filled in data is showed on the front end with a icon.

The only mandatory fields for creating a item are

  • The Title
  • A category selected

The other fields are optional.

Jobtitle: Webdesigner

Smartphone Mobile number

Remarks / questions

Twitterlogo Facebooklogo Linkedinlogo Youtubelogo pinterestlogo Instagamlogo

Image Images Popular

marker By In Items Webpages 257 views

You can manage all kinds of images with JSW CRM.

There is in principle no limit to the maximum size of the images you want to store.

Even camera raw files is possible.

You can easily manage a photo database with JSW CRM

Image Documents Popular

marker By In Items Webpages 403 views

With JSW CRM you can handle all kinds of documents, even documents in the cloud.

JSW CRM 4 has a standard safe set of extensions that can be uploaded.
If you want to handle other, more exotic file-extensions, you can add that file-extension to the list in the configuration screen.

default Layout examples possibilities Popular

marker By In Items Webpages Tagged in listmodule 284 views

Examples of the different layouts you can use per item or category.

Image Local business Popular

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Image: logo
Credits: JS Webdesign

JS Webdesign

Binnendijk 2-118

4424NS Wemeldinge Nederland

Image product example: JSW CRM 5 Popular

markers/pin.png By In Items Webpages 418 views

CCK sytem for Joomla! 3,4 and 5.


Wemeldinge Netherlands

video How to add a new item from the frontend Popular

marker By In Items Webpages 298 views

You can easily add a new item from the frontend with JSW CRM 5.

Just select a new image or other item to upload to your item, make a description and fill in the other stuff like setting of the image and the text location etc...

Add a location if you want to the item.

Media: Create a new item from the frontend of your website with JSW CRM 5
Credits: JS Webdesign

React on this item How to add a new item from the frontend

JS Webdesign

Webdesign Innovators


Test examples

To test one of the examples log-in with:
Test account as frontend editor:
username: testuser
Password: testuser2022

Test account as Visitor/guestuser:
username: guestuser
Password: guestuser2022

Log-in as one of the example users here



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