document Example website Joomla 5 JSW CRM 5
Example website made with Joomla! 5 and JSW CRM 5.
This website part presents various possibilities to show items.
- JSW CRM is set up for multi language use if you need it
- Create and manage articles (items)
- Only the title of the item and a selected category are the required fields to make a new item
- Set the layout (see articles example) of items per category. Can be overruled on a item.
- Very good frontend editor system.
- All screens are full-responsive.
- You can choose a large amount of ways you want show your items:
- list
- gallery
- slideshow
- tree view
- table view
- Combined view in a list table or gallery
- calendar view
- Flatlist, items from multiple categories in list, gallery, table view
- Add a New item
- React on a item
- Forms views
- Upload a file, can be used as alternative for WeTransfer for sharing large files
- There are forms built in for:
- reactions
- reviews
- registrations for a event
- Member registration form
- The frontend editor screens are the same as the backend editor screens
- JSW CRM can handle all sorts of Files:
- (main) image for a item. it shows on the page in a thumbnailed version if you upload a large image
- JSW CRM can handle video files from Youtube or Vimeo and you can even stream your mp4 file directly on your server
- Video's get a player layout automaticcaly. You can even add a poster to local streamed video's
- All added files in JSW CRM to the items are stored separately in a map with the categoryname in his own directory
- All files are managed with JSW CRM self, if you delete a file it gets removed from your site automaticcaly
- so your serverfiles that are present are up to date
- Modules
- JSW CRM comes with modules for items, categories and a map module.
- The items module can show your items in different ways: list, gallery, slideshow or calendar.
- You can set the SEO of items on category level,
so if you for example make a category for events, all new items added get that setting automatic - Lots of SEO setting are present and get if needed extra fields visible:
- Article
- Event
- Image
- Local Business
- Recipe
- Video
- Media
- Creative work
- Blog
- Movie
- Product
- Review
- Registration
- SEO setting of a item can be overruled per item if you need to
- Locations
- You can add a location with a map to a item with Openstreetmap or Google maps
- Items with location can also be shown on a special module thet shows all location of one or more categories on a map
- You can make your own marker selection in the administrator screens and use them for your items
- Plugins
- JSW CRM has a plugin to add a JSW CRM category or item to for example a normal article
So, JSW CRM can almost always suit your needs to create a nice website that is easy to maintain.
spreadsheet Events
Example of item with seo Event.